JACCOO Releases Multi bank App & Apple watch extension

  • Infrastructure
  • 10.06.2015 01:00 am

The JACCOO platform has gone live with the Multi bank application for phones and tablets and has a Apple watch extension.

We enable you to capture, analyze and report on real-time and historical data for intraday multi-bank client balances and transactions. JACCOO offers corporate customers a single, standardized, secure connection to their banking partners, enabling better cash visibility and more control over payments, receipts and liquidity management. Simple, cost-effective and easy to use.

The JACCOO App will change how easily you can see everything you like to know about payments, balances and needed authorizations of your corporation. The application is made out of the JACCOO platform technology and has unique security features built into the App.

So you can use it to see your balances for all your banking account world wide in a simple, secure, and private way.

The JACCOO App with sweep function is an essential app to have installed. On your Apple Watch, you can use the app to see your real-time balances and for sweeping. Our sweeping functionality deliver improvements to your business liquidity. Our cash sweeping system is designed to move the cash in your company’s outlying bank accounts into a central concentration account, from which it can be more easily invested. By concentrating cash in one place, your business can place funds in larger financial instruments at higher rates of return.

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